How To Make A Guild Emblem Ragnarok

How To Make A Guild Emblem RagnarokHow To Make A Guild Emblem Ragnarok

How To Make Guild Emblem Ragnarok

How To Make A Guild Emblem Ragnarok

Ragnarok Online Emblem Maker

When you create a Guild in Ragnarok M Eternal Love, you can customize the Guild Emblems, Logo or Icon of your guild to look differently from other players guild. However, when you click the help icon on the top left corner of the Guild icon pop-up window, it says some instruction that let you upload an image of an size of 128 x 128 and the size should be large 5M. The thing is, it is not possible to upload your own logo in the game. The dev team probably forgot to remove this help icon. Instead, the game comes with a Level up guild rewards where you'll unlock more Guild icon as your guild level up in higher level. Here are the example Guild icon available for Level 3 Guild in Ragnarok M Eternal Love. How to Change Guild Icon Click More, then Guild. In the upper left corner, click the logo icon of your guild. Now, you may change your guild icon from the available list of icons. That's it! Hope this clarify how Guild icon works in Ragnarok M Eternal Love.How To Make A Guild Emblem Ragnarok

Ragnarok Emblem Generator

This guide will show you how to make a DECENT guild emblem of your own guild here in RRO using a paint tool called Paint.NET. So sit back, relax, enjoy and maybe learn a thing or two. REQUIREMENTS IN MAKING A GUILD EMBLEM: 1. Paint.NET - the paint tool that I will be using. For my friend who ask about it this is for u.lazt yumi to teach one by one hehe.Easy way to make guild emblem (guild logo) in ragnarok 2 online game 1.