Captain Sim Space Shuttle Fsx

Don't be limited by the standard issue release of Microsoft Flight Simulator X - unlock its real potential and download FSX add-ons today! Fly Away Simulation stands proud as the largest and most complete flight simulator website on the Internet, providing news, freeware downloads, and discussion to millions of flight simulator enthusiasts.

Space shuttle flight simFlight sim fsx

Completely re-worked model and textures . New flight dynamics optimized for SP2/Acceleration to restore sub-orbital performance. Acheive Mach 4.65 and climb to just under 700,000 ft under your own power at max realism. Very stable re-entry dynamics with Shuttle like landing characteristics. DVC added with a camera view for bay window , custom gauge controlled effects, animated SRB and External Tank separations , bay doors, robot arm and payload, elevons, spoiler/rudder, body flap and gear w/ nosewheel steering - compiled with the FSXA SDK.

* open bay doors - Shift+E
* SRB Separation - Shift+E 2 // they disappear when exit 2 is fully open
* External Tank separation - Shift+E 3 // it disappears when exit 3 is fully open
* robot arm and module - Shift+E 4 // arm picks up module , releases it and re-stows

  1. Im interested by their advertising, they seem to be saying they will gauge sales of this one before expanding on FSXs much higher altitude capabilities over FS9.I owned and loved the early DOS Shuttle sim, and the SALS one that had some real input from NASA.
  2. Captain Sim Space Shuttle Fs2004 Saludos en esta ocacion les traigo un addon de esos que son dificiles de encontrar, Pero aqui en Pilotos Venezuela Fs2004&Fsx Lo tenemos se trata del en tranbordador espacial pero para Fs2004 tiene cabina altamente detallada partes moviles efectos y todo por tratarse de ser Fs2004.

Gauge controlled effects:
Main Shuttle Engine Flames and smoke - are tied to Smoke and will light when the throttle is above 97%
SRB Flame and Plume - are tied to Cabin Lights and come on when throttle above 5% and Exit 2 is fully closed

Hints and Tips:

Captain Sim Space Shuttle Fsx

to fly around as a plane , open exit 2 and 3 to make the boosters and tank disappear


to do a vertical launch
- use SLEW to rotate to the vertical and place yourself on the desired launch location
- put the throttles at about 20-25 percent
- come out of slew and you begin your launch
- slowly increase throttle to 100 percent
- seperate the SRB's and External tank when you think it looks right
- welcome to space

the atmosphere ends at 400,000 ft - control surfaces stop working and any movement around pitch/roll/yaw axes will continue
until you get back below 400k - you can toggle slew mode to stop any motion or recover from tumbling

max altitude can be acheived by going level until you reach Mach 4.65 then pull up to an 85 degree climb use trim to keep the 85 degree climb angle

best sub-orbital trajectory is a 50 degree climb angle , this makes the re-entry angle less steep and more managable with a level flight recovery
occuring at a higher altitude

Fsx Space Shuttle Download Free

use the wing tip contrails on re-entry as a guide for your angle of attack - 15 degree angle of attack provides the best recovery

use small control inputs - ham fisted control inputs are the best way to send it out of control on re-entry

Captain Sim Space Shuttle Fsx Takeoff

you can try landings with zero throttle or engines shutdown but use the spoilers for energy managment

Flight Sim Fsx

best landing speed is around 215 knots